Psychological Assessment

Client focus

Adults only

Types of assessments

  • Comprehensive Psychodiagnostic Assessments (DSM-5-TR)

  • Pre-therapy Assessments (premium for therapy)

  • Diagnostic Consultation

  • Psychoeducational Assessments (adults only)

Important notice!
Assessments for INDIVIDUAL purposes only!
We are not equipped to offer medico-legal, custody or forensic assessments for third-parties!

Types of difficulties

  • We can diagnose or differentiate between most clinical syndromes and disorders: mood (depression and bipolar) and anxiety, adjustment and stress-related symptoms, sleep and eating problems, sexuality and relationships, substance or alcohol use

  • Personality traits, styles and types

  • Adult learning disabilities (reading, writing, spelling, or math).

Understanding Psychological Assessments

Psychological assessments are complex processes of diagnostic data gathering. They usually involve a clinical interview with a psychologist, use of psychometric or psychological testing, and corroborating information from other sources (e.g., significant others). By law, psychologists are the only professionals who could diagnose mental health disorders by use of psychological testing, which requires a high level of training and expertise.

A comprehensive psychodiagnostic assessment is intended at identifying clinical disorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Substance Use Disorder) and personality clusters (Avoidant, Borderline) using the DSM-5-TR classification system. This helps in determining severity of symptoms, prognosis, and treatment recommendations with a high degree of accuracy.

Before you start treatment, we highly recommend undergoing a pre-therapy assessment. This involves a shorter and less costly psychological evaluation and testing than a full or comprehensive assessment. However, much like medical investigations are needed before starting any treatment, this is a very good idea that will guide recommendations and inform interventions before you engage in therapy! Although this would add some costs to your treatment in the beginning, it also means that your treatment will be informed by science and psychometrics, not just guessing or clinical judgments (which can sometimes might not be sufficient to make a confident diagnosis). A pre-therapy assessment is particlalrly important, i mandatory, for clients who have multiple symptoms and areas of difficulty.

Diagnostic consultation, on the other hand, is the least involved assessment service that helps with identifying treatment options and resources without the need for a diagnosis. For example, if you need a quick interview to gain clarity about your anxiety symptoms and the best treatment available, this is the service for you! We can recommend best treatments, help you navigate the complex mental health system, access resources, or provide a personalized list of referrals.

A psycho-educational assessment is also a very involved, comprehensive assessment of cogntive and academic abilities that helps identify a Learning Disability, such as Dyslexia or Acalculia. We only provide LD assessments for adults, not including ADHD or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

What to expect

Call or contact us directly to inquire about psychological assessments and costs. You do not need a referral and can request this service directly.

A psychological assessment involves several stages varying in duration and difficulty, depending on purpose and the referral question. It includes a clinical interview, psychological testing, and recommendations based on the diagnosis.

A client consultation entails an interview and sometimes quick screeners, to aid in forming a quick but reliable diagnostic impression. This prevention method will avoid aggravation of your problems and ensure prompt intervention.